EDA has over 10 years automotive electronic manufacturing experience and is fully compliant with all regulatory standards including IATF 16949, APQP (Advanced Product Quality Planning), PPAP (Product Part Approvals), PFMEA (Process Failure Mode & Effects Analysis), DFMEA (Design Failure Mode & Effects Analysis) and PCN (Part Change Notice). We understand the specific quality requirements of the automotive industry and have incorporated stringent manufacturing and quality procedures based on lean manufacturing, six sigma and zero defect initiatives. Automotive EMS and Suppliers turn to EDA for advice in Functional Safety or Design for Manufacturability.
Our certification supports our excellence:
• IATF16949:2016 Automotive Certification
• ISO9001:2015 Quality Certification
• ISO14001:2015 Environmental Certification
• Intellectual Property Standard Certification
Automotive Partner:

